
Free Zwift Custom Workout: 40/20's FTP Booster - Zwift Workouts - TRI247

As part of the TRI247 Workout Series on Zwift we now have available from last night (3rd October), the ‘40/20’s FTP Booster‘ custom workout file used and set by TRI247 Editor, John Levison, for the latest group workout.

You can also find links to the files of all of our previous sessions below too. Short Sleeve Cycling Jersey Uk

Free Zwift Custom Workout: 40/20's FTP Booster - Zwift Workouts - TRI247

After a progressive warm up and a short set of ‘primer’ efforts to get the legs ready, this session is built on four sets of ’40/20’s’. In these you do 40 seconds ‘on’ (well above FTP effort, approaching VO2 Max power), followed by 20 seconds ‘off’ easy – but short – recovery. The absolute power numbers are not high – it is the repeating them, with the short recovery, many times, which is how the work is delivered.

As you move through the session, the length of each set reduces from 10 reps in the first block, and then on to 8, then 6, then 4 for the final block. However, remember that as you progress through the hour, the effort of the work done accumulates fatigue and so while the number of reps is reducing, it doesn’t mean that it is necessarily easier! In my case, the final set of 4 reps was probably the toughest element.

It’s a good session – give it a try and see how you get on.

You can download the file here (and check out the installation instructions below):

The .ZWO file stands for a Zwift Work-Out file. When someone creates a custom workout (whether it be you, a friend, or a coach), Zwift generates a .ZWO file that contains the entire workout. You can share it with your friends or other Zwifters – or add their workouts to your device – by following the steps below.

Go to your Documents\Zwift\Workouts folder, find the “.zwo” file, and send it to your friend. Any .zwo files you move to your Documents\Zwift\Workouts folder will be added to your custom workouts menu the next time you launch the game.

In order to add custom workouts to iOS, you need to also have a computer with iTunes installed. It’s not currently possible to create custom workouts on iOS (as of 01/2017).

When you start Zwift, they will show up in your Custom Workouts section at the bottom of the available Workouts.

Free Zwift Custom Workout: 40/20's FTP Booster - Zwift Workouts - TRI247

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