
Preparing Your Greenhouse for a Hurricane or Severe Storms - Greenhouse Grower

The brutal reality of Mother Nature is her unpredictability and tendency to throw things our way that we simply cannot stop. A hurricane can ravage any greenhouse unfortunate enough to be in its path and cause overwhelming damages that cost large sums of money to repair. Fortunately, there are ways to prepare your greenhouse so that damage is limited, and crops can be saved. Being prepared is the difference between incomprehensible damage and the ability to repair and recover.

If you know a hurricane around your area is imminent, here are some immediate steps you can take: Greenhouse Poly Film

Preparing Your Greenhouse for a Hurricane or Severe Storms - Greenhouse Grower

Following a hurricane, here are some key actions you can take (when access back to the area is allowed):

Here are some key considerations when selecting a contractor to repair/mitigate damages to greenhouse:

Proper preparation is the key to protecting your greenhouse and the crops within. By following these steps, you can best defend yourself from the unpredictable and save both substantial amounts of money and stress. Lastly, remember that safety should be a top priority in all greenhouse activity, and should be considered in every aspect of your operation.

Click here for more information.

Originally built on emergency repair and recovery, LLK has grown into a consolidated solution provider that creates personalized greenhouse and controlled indoor environments to help producers through design, consultation, building, and maintenance. See all author stories here.

Preparing Your Greenhouse for a Hurricane or Severe Storms - Greenhouse Grower

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