
Are you brave enough to ride in the world’s tallest outdoor elevator? | Euronews

Located in China’s Zhangjiajie National Forest Park, this lift is definitely one for the bucket list.

If you're scared of heights, this might not be the lift for you… Small Seed Cleaning Machine

Are you brave enough to ride in the world’s tallest outdoor elevator? | Euronews

The world’s tallest outdoor elevator, the Bailong Elevator situated in Hunan, China, is an incredible 326 metres high. Despite its impressive height, it takes you from ground to sky in just 88 seconds.

“It’s super-fast,” says pensioner Jin Shihao, who spoke with AFP after having a go on the ride for the first time.

The elevator can be found in the Zhangjiajie National Forest Park, a region famous for its stunning sandstone pillars. These natural wonders rise to heights of almost a kilometre.

If the landscape looks familiar, it might be because the park was the inspiration for the Floating Hallelujah Mountains in the Oscar-winning film Avatar.

Construction works began on the lift in 1999, and were complete in 2002 - making it nearly 20 years old. Tickets are currently priced at ¥129 (€16), so it’s an affordable trip to add to your bucket list!

Are you brave enough to ride in the world’s tallest outdoor elevator? | Euronews

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