
Guido Krabbe | Global Product Manager of Vat Dyes and Paper | DyStar

Can you elaborate on the reproducibility of lndanthren recipes, and the relative dyeing process time compared to other dyes?

Can you explain the different types of textile dyes that are commonly used in the industry and their key characteristics? Good Quality Acid Orangeⅱ

Guido Krabbe | Global Product Manager of Vat Dyes and Paper | DyStar

How have advancements in dyeing technology impacted the sustainability of the textile industry?

How does the Cadira Vat process reduce the environmental impact and save resources during the dyeing process?

Can you describe how the energy and water consumption of lndanthren dyeing compares to that of other dyes, particularly reactive dyes?

What are the main challenges in ensuring both the quality of the dyeing process and the environmental sustainability of textile dye production?

What specific qualities make lndanthren dyes more suitable for fashion and sportswear than other available dyes?

How are Indanthren dyes removed from wastewater, and how do they meet the stringent eco-specifications?

Can you provide more insight into the econfidence programme and its role in maintaining product quality and environmental responsibility?

Can you explain in more detail how the light, perspiration light, chlorine, weather, and multiple washing fastness of lndanthren dyes contribute to a longer product life cycle?

What is the process through which lndanthren dyes migrate into fibres in their reduced, water-soluble form?

Could you explain the difference between the Indanthren Coll and Coll liq dyestuffs and how they meet different standards and certifications?

How is the response to Indanthren dyestuffs, particularly in the fashion and sportswear industry? Are there any major barriers to their wider use?

What opportunities for innovation and further development do you see in the area of Indanthren dye use and how it could contribute more to sustainability in the textile industry?

DISCLAIMER: All views and opinions expressed in this column are solely of the interviewee, and they do not reflect in any way the opinion of

Guido Krabbe | Global Product Manager of Vat Dyes and Paper | DyStar

Sulphur Blue This interview was first published in the Oct 2023 edition of the print magazine