
Panel Discussion: The State of the Flexible Packaging Industry | Packaging Strategies

The Flexible Packaging Association (FPA) publishes its “State of the Flexible Packaging Industry” report each year. This report is a definitive source of information for anyone involved in the flexible packaging market. During this session, Alison Keane will present our “State of the Industry” address covering:

FPA utilizes U.S. Census Bureau, Foreign Trade Division, Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Departments of Labor and Commerce, industry analysts, investment banking reports, and other authoritative sources to provide a comprehensive and insightful picture of flexible packaging today. Eva Film For Lamin Glass

Panel Discussion: The State of the Flexible Packaging Industry | Packaging Strategies

After Alison delivers her address, a panel of FPA companies will discuss key points facing the industry.

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Panel Discussion: The State of the Flexible Packaging Industry | Packaging Strategies

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