
Are Fridge Magnets ‘Lowbrow’? Appliance Manufacturers Have Decided: Yes - WSJ

Are Fridge Magnets ‘Lowbrow’? Appliance Manufacturers Have Decided: Yes

Are Fridge Magnets ‘Lowbrow’? Appliance Manufacturers Have Decided: Yes Super Strong Magnets Factory

Are Fridge Magnets ‘Lowbrow’? Appliance Manufacturers Have Decided: Yes - WSJ

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WHEN RYAN BRADLEY, a freelance editor in Los Angeles, went shopping for a new refrigerator five years ago, he immediately ran into issues. Bradley, 40 years old, didn’t need Bluetooth connectivity or smudge-proof finishes—he just wanted something to stick his magnets to. But not only were most salespeople unsure if floor models were magnet-friendly, they were surprised he cared. “I felt like a crazy person,” he said. 

Few fridge buyers still covet ferromagnetic surfaces, those to which magnets stick, says Mattia Sala, product manager at appliance manufacturer Smeg. That his brand’s retro-style, candy-colored refrigerators are not magnetic “almost never comes up” among customers, he said. Marc Hottenroth, executive director of industrial design at GE Appliances, says most people view magnetism as a bonus, not a required feature.

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Are Fridge Magnets ‘Lowbrow’? Appliance Manufacturers Have Decided: Yes - WSJ

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